- Dossier
Fait partie de Famille Elisseeff
AD1 : 1945-1947. - Ch'en Meng-chia 陳夢家, Recherche " Chinese bronzes in American collections a comprehensive study and catagogue": Memoire, Chapter I-V (I.Methods and Materials, II.The background of Bronze study,III.Excavations and finds, IV.Geographical distribution, V.Terminology) L.06 - L.202
AD2 : 1945-1947. - Ch'en Meng-chia 陳夢家, Recherche " Chinese bronzes in American collections a comprehensive study and catagogue": Memoire, Chapter VI-VIII (VI.Classification, VII.Typology, VIII.Palaeography) L.203 - L.381
AD3 : 1945-1947. - Ch'en Meng-chia 陳夢家, Recherche " Chinese bronzes in American collections a comprehensive study and catagogue": Memoire, Appendix I-VII (I.Translation of I WEN CHIH, II.Translation of preface to Shuo Wen chieh tsu, III. Translation of the Chu shu chi mien, IV. Translation from the Tso chu an, V.Translation from the Meng-Tsu, VI.Bibliography of Excavation and finds, VII. Bibliography of Important publications) L.382-?
AD4 : 1945-1947. - Ch'en Meng-chia 陳夢家, Recherche" Chinese bronzes in American collections a comprehensive study and catagogue": Memoire, Chapter IX-XIII (IX.Inscription & dating, X. Style & decoration, XI. Forgery & Casting, XII. Chrology, XIII. Cultural restrospect) L.394 - L. 600
AD5 : 1945-1947. - Ch'en Meng-chia 陳夢家, Recherche" Chinese bronzes in American collections a comprehensive study and catagogue": Catalogage, ( U.S.101-U.S.236) L.755 - L.948
AD6 : 1945-1947. - Ch'en Meng-chia 陳夢家, Recherche " Chinese bronzes in American collections a comprehensive study and catagogue": Catalogage, ( U.S.251-U.S.400) L.949 - L.1144
BI12 : s.d. - Dossier d'étude des bronzes chinois, coréens et japonais : photographies, claques, notes manuscrites